Friday, July 27, 2012

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

So you want to potty train your baby but don't know where to look because you've never done this before. Well, you've come to the right place. I'll show you some marvelous resources for baby potty training. I'll give you the basics right here. First off, baby potty training isn't in fact about technique but it's about mindset. You see many people think that it's all about techniques and they end up spending loads of time spinning their wheels trying to get their baby to go to the potty consistently.

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

You see no matter what technique or method that you use to potty train, no matter if you want your boy to potty train standing up or sitting down, you have to remember that mindset is everything. Lets delve a diminutive deeper and see what these mindsets are. You have to be consistent with your child's potty training. Sometimes you have to go the extra mile and tell your nanny or whoever takes care of your child to potty train the same way as you do. If you're not consistent this can send mixed messages to your child and the results will be inconsistent. Put it in an additional one way if you want your baby to go to the potty to pee and poop consistently then you have to be consistent with the potty training.

Potty training can be a frustrating ordeal for you and your baby if you let it be that. So, you need to perceive that your child is a child and let him be if he makes a mess. You needn't show your child that you're disappointed in him or her but show that you're disappointed in the mess they've made. You can do this by manufacture disapproving faces and statements when you're cleaning up the mess. Don't worry about your child understanding you if he doesn't yet speak the language. Most transportation is through body language and your baby will pick the message up. Children at this age simply want to please their parents so use that in your favor.

Aside from showing your disapproval in cleaning the mess you shouldn't show any signs of disapproval at all throughout the potty training process. That is the always be a source of confident reinforcement mindset. No scolding what so ever during training. It's just frustrating for you and your baby. Your child is capable of marvelous things but not without mistakes because after all we're all human beings. Just be confident and Watch in amazement as your child learns what he needs to do fast.

Adhering to the positivity mindset you should bonus your child if he has done the right thing, to pee or poop in the toilet or whichever potty training gismo you choose. You can give him a snack, preferably a salty as then your child will want to drink more water. Then your child would get more opportunities to practice. You can use baby potty training charts to bonus also. I will post one of these on my blog soon so check my blog often.

It is possible to train your child in as diminutive as 3 days with the right method if you commit yourself fully to it. That means that you might have to take a few days off from work or your child might have to take a few days off from daycare. Commit yourself and your time to staying consistent throughout the training and you'll see as your child reciprocates your consistency and commitment in results.

I hope this description has been of value to you. If you want more data on baby potty training. Please visit my blog, check it often and also check this website often also. I'll be posting lots more data soon. Good luck to you and your child in potty training.

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

"Plop. Plop. Fizz. Fizz. Oh, what a relief it is."

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

--Old Potty Training Song

Many moms are not experiencing relief when their stubborn child resists potty
training all together. With the laundry piling up and the cost of pull-ups
eating away at the weekly budget, it's no wonder many parents feel like they're
ready to flush those unsuccessful potty training techniques down the toilet! I
receive at least one email a week from a mom in the parenting "deep end" asking
for suggestions in this area.

Child-Tested Potty Training Tips for Stubborn Children

Here are my top seven tips for potty training stubborn children:

1. Know that Your Child Will be Potty Trained - Potty training is one of
the most important skills preschoolers will learn. They do learn it--it's just
that some children are slower than others. Everybody finally learns how to go
to the bathroom on their own. Have faith! It's just a matter of time.

2. Stay Away from Cute, External Rewards - The more you make potty
training into a game, the more your child will see it as a game. Chances are
they might turn into a competitive battle where you lose. Cute ideas (like
sticker charts for when children "go", floating Cheerios into the bowl and
having boys aim for it, putting food coloring into the bowl and having your
child get excited about Watching the color change) only confuses the
issue--especially when the gimmicks lose their appeal. The rewards of potty
training should be internal: your child should feel good about herself for
learning something new. By all means, encourage you child when he remembers with
a simple, "Great job!". This is all that is needed for success.

3. Stick with Your Decision to Forgo Diapers and Pull-ups - My confidence is
that pull-ups that soak up the uncomfortable wet feeling positively prolong potty
training. One of the children in my life became so comfortable with pull-ups
that he was wearing them well into the school years for night accidents.
Accidents (many of them) will happen. When Kids aren't given the opening to
continually taste the natural pain that comes from wet clothes, they
have no presuppose to learn to make potty training a priority. Consider putting a
protective waterproof sheet nearby their mattress, but stay away from soaker
pads and pull-ups once you have made the shift (and the sooner, the better).

4. Make Potty Training Comfortable - A big man toilet for a small bum
can be a scary thing. Use training potties, potty seats, or have your child face
the toilet when sitting on the throne so they can sit comfortably.

5. Let Go of Constant Reminders and Prodding - The more you make it a big
deal, the more your child will fight you. If you are taking all the
responsibility for your child to remember to go, there will be no incentive or
reason for them to remember. When it comes to potty training, the best reminder
comes from your child's own bladder--not you! And when your child forgets or
doesn't listen to their bladder, the pee running down their leg is their next

6. Have Your Child Help Clean Up When Accidents Happen - Accidents happen
and are a part of the natural process of potty training. Don't make a big deal
out of accidents. Instead deal with the accident by happily cleaning it up
together. Have your child help you find dry clothes and deal with washing up.

7. Give Your Child More Responsibilities nearby the House - The more
confidence your child feels, the more they will embrace studying any new skill
(including potty training). Look for tasks that your preschooler can be
responsible for and thank her for what she does. Arresting your child in the
upkeep of your home is one of the best things you can do for him (see lesson
eight of my book When You're About To Go Off The Deep End, Don't Take Your
Kids With You to learn more about how chores can boost your child's

Potty training is one of the many skills your child needs to perfect. When you
support your child in listening to the natural cues of their own body, you will
emPower him or her with life-long skills. And if you choose to use the above
seven potty training tips for a stubborn child, you'll find that potty training
becomes a process--rather than a Power struggle--with a happy ending.

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Child Bathroom security

Child Bathroom security

Common dangers in the bathroom contain scalding and burning, bathtub and toilet drowning, swallowing and ingesting toxic substances. In order to ensure that your child is safe in the bathroom, it is advisable to try and keep him away from it when he is by himself. This means that all adults and older Kids make sure that the bathroom door is closed, and the baby cannot crawl into it. Toddlers, however, are another matter. They soon reach the stage when they can reach the door knob, they learn to open the door, and are excited about exploring this forbidden domain. It becomes imperative that you take some safety precautions to try and keep your child safe.

Child Bathroom security

Child Bathroom security

Child Bathroom security

Child Bathroom security

Child Bathroom security

To begin with, corollary some simple rules. To try and preclude scalding and burning, Never turn on the hot water while your child is in the tub. Always fill up the tub, check the temperature and them put in the bather. This is a tasteless sense rule, but needs to be repeated frequently, as adults sometimes tend to forget that they need to be cautious. Not only that, it is a good rule for adults to corollary for themselves too.

Another set of safety advice for the child in the bathroom is to ensure that all medicines and toxic substances are well beyond the reach of the child. If they are out of sight, there is nothing tempting for the child to pick up and experiment with. Visit your local stores, try and find a cabinet or other warehouse package that can be secured and is childproof. Use the warehouse package and stow it out of reach so that the child can't get to it. Sure, it's not easy to do, after all there is just so much space that you have. But you need to plan, and then hope for the best. Don't expose the child to unneeded risks and then have regrets later; dispose a safe bathroom and then hope for the best.

Everyone knows that children are curious, they have the knack of looking the most risky spots in the home and seem to love these death traps. The bathroom is a major death trap, and drowning in the bathtub or toilet is not unknown. Make sure that you don't leave the child unattended in the bathtub. That would be taking a major risk. If you have to retort an emergency, pull the kid out of the tub And Take Him With You. If you leave him in the bathroom, he's bound to try and climb back into the tub. An even great idea is to pull the plug and let the bathwater drain out. It's great to waste a limited water rather than play with the kid's life. The faucet can be a lethal weapon if the child bumps his head on it. Therefore, try and cover it with a soft covering that will cushion the fall. Also, you need to remember that the bathtub is slippery. Use anti-skid strips or mats in the tub so that the child does not slip. When you try to get him out of the tub, get a good grasp on him before lifting him out. Pregnant mothers often find this difficult. In that case, it is great to stand him in the bathtub and bathe him from a bucket with a mug - very old-fashioned, but safer than letting him slip under the covering because you can't hold him.

Kids love the toilet bowl to play in. Swishing colse to in the bowl is one of the most curious experiences for children - some even yell and scream to be allowed to do that. Don't ever allow it; not even under supervision, no matter how bad the tantrum. It only encourages the child to seek every opening to try it on his own. Not only is it a filthy habit; it also exposes the child to all kinds of harmful bacteria. Not only that, many a child has been known to fall headfirst into the toilet bowl, and if not immediately pulled out, will certainly drown. He does not have the capacity to pull himself out, he panics and swallows water and can't call out for help. These are not exaggerations, cases have been known and many a tired and weary parent has been found to indulge the child 'allowing him to play in the toilet bowl. You may even reconsider installing a toilet seat lock so that your child can't get into the toilet bowl.

Remember, the bathroom is one of the places in the home that makes even cautious people accident- prone. Ask anyone; they have probably had more accidents in the bathroom than anywhere else. Your child is no different; it is up to you to keep him safe in the bathroom.

Child Bathroom security

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