Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!
"Plop. Plop. Fizz. Fizz. Oh, what a relief it is."
Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!
Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!
Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!
Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!
--Old Potty Training Song
Many moms are not experiencing relief when their stubborn child resists potty
training all together. With the laundry piling up and the cost of pull-ups
eating away at the weekly budget, it's no wonder many parents feel like they're
ready to flush those unsuccessful potty training techniques down the toilet! I
receive at least one email a week from a mom in the parenting "deep end" asking
for suggestions in this area.
Child-Tested Potty Training Tips for Stubborn Children
Here are my top seven tips for potty training stubborn children:
1. Know that Your Child Will be Potty Trained - Potty training is one of
the most important skills preschoolers will learn. They do learn it--it's just
that some children are slower than others. Everybody finally learns how to go
to the bathroom on their own. Have faith! It's just a matter of time.
2. Stay Away from Cute, External Rewards - The more you make potty
training into a game, the more your child will see it as a game. Chances are
they might turn into a competitive battle where you lose. Cute ideas (like
sticker charts for when children "go", floating Cheerios into the bowl and
having boys aim for it, putting food coloring into the bowl and having your
child get excited about Watching the color change) only confuses the
issue--especially when the gimmicks lose their appeal. The rewards of potty
training should be internal: your child should feel good about herself for
learning something new. By all means, encourage you child when he remembers with
a simple, "Great job!". This is all that is needed for success.
3. Stick with Your Decision to Forgo Diapers and Pull-ups - My confidence is
that pull-ups that soak up the uncomfortable wet feeling positively prolong potty
training. One of the children in my life became so comfortable with pull-ups
that he was wearing them well into the school years for night accidents.
Accidents (many of them) will happen. When Kids aren't given the opening to
continually taste the natural pain that comes from wet clothes, they
have no presuppose to learn to make potty training a priority. Consider putting a
protective waterproof sheet nearby their mattress, but stay away from soaker
pads and pull-ups once you have made the shift (and the sooner, the better).
4. Make Potty Training Comfortable - A big man toilet for a small bum
can be a scary thing. Use training potties, potty seats, or have your child face
the toilet when sitting on the throne so they can sit comfortably.
5. Let Go of Constant Reminders and Prodding - The more you make it a big
deal, the more your child will fight you. If you are taking all the
responsibility for your child to remember to go, there will be no incentive or
reason for them to remember. When it comes to potty training, the best reminder
comes from your child's own bladder--not you! And when your child forgets or
doesn't listen to their bladder, the pee running down their leg is their next
6. Have Your Child Help Clean Up When Accidents Happen - Accidents happen
and are a part of the natural process of potty training. Don't make a big deal
out of accidents. Instead deal with the accident by happily cleaning it up
together. Have your child help you find dry clothes and deal with washing up.
7. Give Your Child More Responsibilities nearby the House - The more
confidence your child feels, the more they will embrace studying any new skill
(including potty training). Look for tasks that your preschooler can be
responsible for and thank her for what she does. Arresting your child in the
upkeep of your home is one of the best things you can do for him (see lesson
eight of my book When You're About To Go Off The Deep End, Don't Take Your
Kids With You to learn more about how chores can boost your child's
Potty training is one of the many skills your child needs to perfect. When you
support your child in listening to the natural cues of their own body, you will
emPower him or her with life-long skills. And if you choose to use the above
seven potty training tips for a stubborn child, you'll find that potty training
becomes a process--rather than a Power struggle--with a happy ending.
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