Sunday, August 26, 2012

Puppy Potty Training - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

Puppy Potty Training - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

A few simple ideas can make a big contrast to how victorious your puppy potty training will be.

Puppy Potty Training - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

Puppy Potty Training - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

Puppy Potty Training - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

Puppy Potty Training - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

Puppy Potty Training - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

#1. Features your dog potty must have: It should be easy to clean. Have a splash back. Have a post for him to aim at. Be big enough for when he grows up.

#2. For indoor use, it's much economy to use newspaper under the grill of a dog potty than any of the pad, gel or litter type products.

#3. Restrict his passage to the house until he's house trained. A small room with an easy to clean floor and a baby gate is ideal.

#4. Puppies get accustomed to the exterior they eliminate on. So don't change this until he's fully house trained.

#5. The paper training method is the best technique if your puppy has to relax itself indoors. It works even best when you use an indoor potty instead of paper.

#6. Nature's miracle stain and odor reMover is great for cleaning up and eliminating the puppy's scent. It's ready from Amazon.

#7. Fully clean up and deodorize in any place there are any accidents. Otherwise he will eliminate there again.

#8. Feed your puppy and play with him in any place he has had any accidents. This will help preclude him eliminating in the same spot again.

#9. Every person involved must use the same training methods or it will confuse your puppy and it will take longer to house break him

#10. Give your puppy frequent concentration while this principal period. If you find he's having too many accidents, it probably means you are leaving him unattended for too long at a time.

Puppy Potty Training - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Easy Potty Training With Baby Alive Doll

Easy Potty Training With Baby Alive Doll

Do you have a darling who plainly enjoys being 'mommy' for the day? Is she also approaching the time when she has to learn how to go to the loo? Well there is no need to worry, as a brand new Baby Alive Doll is here to bring in the enjoyment of being 'mommy for the day' as well as help your dinky girl subconsciously inspect the good reasons for using the loo in a 'big girl potty'.

Easy Potty Training With Baby Alive Doll

Easy Potty Training With Baby Alive Doll

Easy Potty Training With Baby Alive Doll

Easy Potty Training With Baby Alive Doll

Easy Potty Training With Baby Alive Doll

The Baby Alive Learns to Potty Doll is made to be a responsive doll that educates your young child about duties and being helpful and thoughtful towards others. The Baby Alive Learns to Potty Doll includes all that she will benefit from all the way until adulthood. She will have her very own potty-chair, diapers, clothes, bib, doll food, baby bottle, baby wipes, bowl and spoon. Your child will adore all that comes with her baby doll and she will be surprised that her 'baby' will sip from a bottle, eat food, take a nap and go to the loo in her own potty chair!

It is a phenomenal means to help with potty training, too. This Learns to Potty Doll will teach your daughter when she has to go to the loo. If she does not bring her doll to the loo right away, it will wet herself. Your child will unmistakably want to consequent her baby doll and go to the loo like a big kid. She will also learn exactly why going to the potty on time is important as her baby doll will require the same thing from time to time. In this case, you unmistakably will not have to push your child to going to the loo as she will happily go by herself!

As an extra feature, this Baby Alive Doll can be bought in various skin tones, enabling children of various backgrounds to own a baby doll that they can unmistakably identify as themselves. This will help your daughter connect well with her realistic pretend baby.

Assist your child as she discovers the meaning of dependability and self-sufficiency as you educate her about the good reasons to potty train with her special Baby Alive Doll. Potty training can be quite an obstacle for both parents and young children. But the Baby Alive Learns to Potty Doll is there to make it easier for everyone to perform the task quicker and without a sweat. Plus, your daughter will of policy enjoy playing mommy while the whole policy of potty training!

Easy Potty Training With Baby Alive Doll

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Toddler Milestones - Is Your 19-21 Month Old on Track?

Toddler Milestones - Is Your 19-21 Month Old on Track?

There are so many factors that conduce to what your toddler can and can not do at this point. Some children are uncomplicated more physically advanced while others are more advanced in the language area. Of procedure there are those toddlers who seem to just do and know it all! This guide will help you to determine which toddler milestones that you should be seeing for in your toddler and which ones you can look send to in the advent months.

Toddler Milestones - Is Your 19-21 Month Old on Track?

Toddler Milestones -  Is Your 19-21 Month Old on Track?

Toddler Milestones - Is Your 19-21 Month Old on Track?

Toddler Milestones - Is Your 19-21 Month Old on Track?

Toddler Milestones - Is Your 19-21 Month Old on Track?

Toddler Milestones: Month 19
o Creates phrases or short sentences rather than using one word phrases
o Can use a fork or spoon (most toddlers will use a fork first)
o Imitate adult actions such as cooking or driving
o Stack and sort blocks and Toys

Toddler Milestones: Month 20
o Use nearby 50 words to express themselves
o Use uncomplicated sentences such as "There you go" or "Come on Momma!"
o Can undress and maybe dress himself
o Will learn new words rapidly
o Play ball but probably won't be able to catch
o Interested in opening cabinet and exterior doors

Toddler Milestones: Month 21
o Name body parts such as hair, elbow and nose
o Walk up and down stairs (always help your toddler on the stairs!)
o Recognize and name population or pets in pictures or in their presence
o Forming more and more sentences to express wants and needs
o Is becoming aware of the potty and is able to control their bladder in some instances.

If your child isn't meeting these toddler milestones on time, remember that his amelioration isn't on set schedule. This is naturally a guide that represents what an average toddler of this age can do. You might see these developmental milestones happen more swiftly or moderately in your own children. If you are implicated about your toddler's development, contact your pediatrician.

Toddler Milestones - Is Your 19-21 Month Old on Track?

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Friday, July 27, 2012

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

So you want to potty train your baby but don't know where to look because you've never done this before. Well, you've come to the right place. I'll show you some marvelous resources for baby potty training. I'll give you the basics right here. First off, baby potty training isn't in fact about technique but it's about mindset. You see many people think that it's all about techniques and they end up spending loads of time spinning their wheels trying to get their baby to go to the potty consistently.

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

You see no matter what technique or method that you use to potty train, no matter if you want your boy to potty train standing up or sitting down, you have to remember that mindset is everything. Lets delve a diminutive deeper and see what these mindsets are. You have to be consistent with your child's potty training. Sometimes you have to go the extra mile and tell your nanny or whoever takes care of your child to potty train the same way as you do. If you're not consistent this can send mixed messages to your child and the results will be inconsistent. Put it in an additional one way if you want your baby to go to the potty to pee and poop consistently then you have to be consistent with the potty training.

Potty training can be a frustrating ordeal for you and your baby if you let it be that. So, you need to perceive that your child is a child and let him be if he makes a mess. You needn't show your child that you're disappointed in him or her but show that you're disappointed in the mess they've made. You can do this by manufacture disapproving faces and statements when you're cleaning up the mess. Don't worry about your child understanding you if he doesn't yet speak the language. Most transportation is through body language and your baby will pick the message up. Children at this age simply want to please their parents so use that in your favor.

Aside from showing your disapproval in cleaning the mess you shouldn't show any signs of disapproval at all throughout the potty training process. That is the always be a source of confident reinforcement mindset. No scolding what so ever during training. It's just frustrating for you and your baby. Your child is capable of marvelous things but not without mistakes because after all we're all human beings. Just be confident and Watch in amazement as your child learns what he needs to do fast.

Adhering to the positivity mindset you should bonus your child if he has done the right thing, to pee or poop in the toilet or whichever potty training gismo you choose. You can give him a snack, preferably a salty as then your child will want to drink more water. Then your child would get more opportunities to practice. You can use baby potty training charts to bonus also. I will post one of these on my blog soon so check my blog often.

It is possible to train your child in as diminutive as 3 days with the right method if you commit yourself fully to it. That means that you might have to take a few days off from work or your child might have to take a few days off from daycare. Commit yourself and your time to staying consistent throughout the training and you'll see as your child reciprocates your consistency and commitment in results.

I hope this description has been of value to you. If you want more data on baby potty training. Please visit my blog, check it often and also check this website often also. I'll be posting lots more data soon. Good luck to you and your child in potty training.

The Baby Potty Training Mindset

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

"Plop. Plop. Fizz. Fizz. Oh, what a relief it is."

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

--Old Potty Training Song

Many moms are not experiencing relief when their stubborn child resists potty
training all together. With the laundry piling up and the cost of pull-ups
eating away at the weekly budget, it's no wonder many parents feel like they're
ready to flush those unsuccessful potty training techniques down the toilet! I
receive at least one email a week from a mom in the parenting "deep end" asking
for suggestions in this area.

Child-Tested Potty Training Tips for Stubborn Children

Here are my top seven tips for potty training stubborn children:

1. Know that Your Child Will be Potty Trained - Potty training is one of
the most important skills preschoolers will learn. They do learn it--it's just
that some children are slower than others. Everybody finally learns how to go
to the bathroom on their own. Have faith! It's just a matter of time.

2. Stay Away from Cute, External Rewards - The more you make potty
training into a game, the more your child will see it as a game. Chances are
they might turn into a competitive battle where you lose. Cute ideas (like
sticker charts for when children "go", floating Cheerios into the bowl and
having boys aim for it, putting food coloring into the bowl and having your
child get excited about Watching the color change) only confuses the
issue--especially when the gimmicks lose their appeal. The rewards of potty
training should be internal: your child should feel good about herself for
learning something new. By all means, encourage you child when he remembers with
a simple, "Great job!". This is all that is needed for success.

3. Stick with Your Decision to Forgo Diapers and Pull-ups - My confidence is
that pull-ups that soak up the uncomfortable wet feeling positively prolong potty
training. One of the children in my life became so comfortable with pull-ups
that he was wearing them well into the school years for night accidents.
Accidents (many of them) will happen. When Kids aren't given the opening to
continually taste the natural pain that comes from wet clothes, they
have no presuppose to learn to make potty training a priority. Consider putting a
protective waterproof sheet nearby their mattress, but stay away from soaker
pads and pull-ups once you have made the shift (and the sooner, the better).

4. Make Potty Training Comfortable - A big man toilet for a small bum
can be a scary thing. Use training potties, potty seats, or have your child face
the toilet when sitting on the throne so they can sit comfortably.

5. Let Go of Constant Reminders and Prodding - The more you make it a big
deal, the more your child will fight you. If you are taking all the
responsibility for your child to remember to go, there will be no incentive or
reason for them to remember. When it comes to potty training, the best reminder
comes from your child's own bladder--not you! And when your child forgets or
doesn't listen to their bladder, the pee running down their leg is their next

6. Have Your Child Help Clean Up When Accidents Happen - Accidents happen
and are a part of the natural process of potty training. Don't make a big deal
out of accidents. Instead deal with the accident by happily cleaning it up
together. Have your child help you find dry clothes and deal with washing up.

7. Give Your Child More Responsibilities nearby the House - The more
confidence your child feels, the more they will embrace studying any new skill
(including potty training). Look for tasks that your preschooler can be
responsible for and thank her for what she does. Arresting your child in the
upkeep of your home is one of the best things you can do for him (see lesson
eight of my book When You're About To Go Off The Deep End, Don't Take Your
Kids With You to learn more about how chores can boost your child's

Potty training is one of the many skills your child needs to perfect. When you
support your child in listening to the natural cues of their own body, you will
emPower him or her with life-long skills. And if you choose to use the above
seven potty training tips for a stubborn child, you'll find that potty training
becomes a process--rather than a Power struggle--with a happy ending.

Potty Training Tips For Stubborn Children That Work!

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Child Bathroom security

Child Bathroom security

Common dangers in the bathroom contain scalding and burning, bathtub and toilet drowning, swallowing and ingesting toxic substances. In order to ensure that your child is safe in the bathroom, it is advisable to try and keep him away from it when he is by himself. This means that all adults and older Kids make sure that the bathroom door is closed, and the baby cannot crawl into it. Toddlers, however, are another matter. They soon reach the stage when they can reach the door knob, they learn to open the door, and are excited about exploring this forbidden domain. It becomes imperative that you take some safety precautions to try and keep your child safe.

Child Bathroom security

Child Bathroom security

Child Bathroom security

Child Bathroom security

Child Bathroom security

To begin with, corollary some simple rules. To try and preclude scalding and burning, Never turn on the hot water while your child is in the tub. Always fill up the tub, check the temperature and them put in the bather. This is a tasteless sense rule, but needs to be repeated frequently, as adults sometimes tend to forget that they need to be cautious. Not only that, it is a good rule for adults to corollary for themselves too.

Another set of safety advice for the child in the bathroom is to ensure that all medicines and toxic substances are well beyond the reach of the child. If they are out of sight, there is nothing tempting for the child to pick up and experiment with. Visit your local stores, try and find a cabinet or other warehouse package that can be secured and is childproof. Use the warehouse package and stow it out of reach so that the child can't get to it. Sure, it's not easy to do, after all there is just so much space that you have. But you need to plan, and then hope for the best. Don't expose the child to unneeded risks and then have regrets later; dispose a safe bathroom and then hope for the best.

Everyone knows that children are curious, they have the knack of looking the most risky spots in the home and seem to love these death traps. The bathroom is a major death trap, and drowning in the bathtub or toilet is not unknown. Make sure that you don't leave the child unattended in the bathtub. That would be taking a major risk. If you have to retort an emergency, pull the kid out of the tub And Take Him With You. If you leave him in the bathroom, he's bound to try and climb back into the tub. An even great idea is to pull the plug and let the bathwater drain out. It's great to waste a limited water rather than play with the kid's life. The faucet can be a lethal weapon if the child bumps his head on it. Therefore, try and cover it with a soft covering that will cushion the fall. Also, you need to remember that the bathtub is slippery. Use anti-skid strips or mats in the tub so that the child does not slip. When you try to get him out of the tub, get a good grasp on him before lifting him out. Pregnant mothers often find this difficult. In that case, it is great to stand him in the bathtub and bathe him from a bucket with a mug - very old-fashioned, but safer than letting him slip under the covering because you can't hold him.

Kids love the toilet bowl to play in. Swishing colse to in the bowl is one of the most curious experiences for children - some even yell and scream to be allowed to do that. Don't ever allow it; not even under supervision, no matter how bad the tantrum. It only encourages the child to seek every opening to try it on his own. Not only is it a filthy habit; it also exposes the child to all kinds of harmful bacteria. Not only that, many a child has been known to fall headfirst into the toilet bowl, and if not immediately pulled out, will certainly drown. He does not have the capacity to pull himself out, he panics and swallows water and can't call out for help. These are not exaggerations, cases have been known and many a tired and weary parent has been found to indulge the child 'allowing him to play in the toilet bowl. You may even reconsider installing a toilet seat lock so that your child can't get into the toilet bowl.

Remember, the bathroom is one of the places in the home that makes even cautious people accident- prone. Ask anyone; they have probably had more accidents in the bathroom than anywhere else. Your child is no different; it is up to you to keep him safe in the bathroom.

Child Bathroom security

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's amelioration

Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's amelioration

The importance of Imaginative play in child's development cannot be stressed enough. In our contemporary overly technological society a child's imagination is often paralyzed with fast-moving pictures of a television set or brightly colored 3-D worlds of computer games. Often, parents concentrate on getting their preschoolers school-ready by paying a lot of concentration to learning the alphabet and numbers but forgetting how foremost it is to take care of their child's imagination. A whole of psychological studies have shown that pretend play prepares children for life in the real world because during play children learn foremost life skills like taking turns, sharing responsibility, empathy and many others. So let's see what games we can come up with to take care of our children's imagination.

Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's amelioration

Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's amelioration

Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's amelioration

Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's amelioration

Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's amelioration

House/Cave/Camping Tent

To set up this game you will need two chairs, one big blanket and a flashLight. You can also use a table instead of the chairs.

If you are in a "Cave" or a "Tent" fetch some food supplies and water and get ready for an adventure. Turn off all the Lights in the room and leave the flashLight on, search the dark room with the flashlight, can you see any wild animals lurking in the woods? What can you hear? Can you hear the birds and that waterfall nearby? You can even make a pretend fire and toast some real marshmallows over it, yum!!

If you are in a "House" you can invite some friends over (furry animals, dolls), put some pillows and blankets on the floor and have a slumber party!


Cut out the wheel from a cardboard box or use whatever round you might find colse to the house. You can sit on a chair (wind the windows down, take down the roof - it's a convertible after all!) or "drive" colse to on foot. You can even have a race! Ask mum if she wants a ride!


This game is marvelous as it allows the child to swap places with the parent and come to be mummy or daddy for a short while. You can play it with a doll or mum and dad can play the role of the child for a change. Observation how your child behaves during this game, it will be arresting to hear what they say and see what they do, how they discipline or reward you - it will be like looking at yourself in the mirror because they, of course, will be mimicking what you do and how you behave on a daily basis. Great for building self-esteem and awareness of self and others.


Anything in the house can come to be a boat or a ship with a minute bit of imagination. You can turn two chairs pushed together, a couch or even a bed into a boat or a ship. Get all the passengers on board (do they all have their tickets?) and don't forget your supplies. Take some fishing rods and a bucket with you so you can do some fishing (make fishing rods out of thin tree branches and some rope or wool thread).

If you want something dissimilar on your next trip, a boat can come to be a train or even an airplane.

Doctor's Office

Those Toy doctor's kits are excellent for pretend play but even if you don't have one you can fetch some household objects to play this game. For example, a pen and pad to write out prescriptions, a plastic syringe to administer treatment or even give those ouchy shots, a small jar of jelly beans in case a outpatient has a sick or a belly ache and needs a pill, stretchy bandages to tape those serious wounds and band-aids for small cuts. In the absence of a Toy stethoscope you can make one out of a uncomplicated empty toilet roll by cutting one open, rolling it into a thinner tube and gluing it back together - you can use it as a stethoscope or to check out the ears and the throat.


You will need a shopping bag, a wallet with some coins in it, groceries, like a bag of pasta shapes, some apples and bananas, a can of peas and a box of cookies and a cash register made out of a shoe box or any other beneficial box you can find colse to the house. Take turns being a shopkeeper and a shopper. If you want your child to learn some math and counting along the way, you can make some pretend paper money out of paper, make sure the numbers on your pretend paper bills are large and clear. Make price labels on all the groceries in the shop and try to pay accurate money for all and give the right change. Make a shopping list so you can check things off the list when you put them in your shopping bag.


For this fun and arresting game you will need pots, pans and other cooking utensils. Other things that might help are grains like rice, lentils or dry beans, pasta shapes and even cereal like cheerios. Put the ingredients into the pot, add salt and pepper, stir. When the meal is ready, get some plates out and invite friends for dinner.

Helping mum or dad with real cooking is also lots of fun, like beating the eggs for an omelette or tearing up lettuce for a salad.


Lots of old clothes is, of course, what's needed for this game - whatever from skirts and shoes to hats and bags. But the best way to play is to pick a theme and dress accordingly. "Kings and Queens" is a fun theme to dress up for but you will need to make your own crowns and capes. The best thing about this game is that you can use as much dress jewellery as you have lying colse to the house.

Birthday Party

A pretend Birthday cake and party food can be made from play-doh and you can even use real candles with it. invite all the stuffed furry animals and all the dolls that live at your house to your party, possibly even some real friends can come if they are visiting at the time. To make the party more fun you can have a disco afterwards - turn some music on and dance together.

In the park

The park provides so many opportunities to play creatively and imaginatively. Use whatever you might find - sticks, stones, dry leaves. You can make minute houses out of all you find, you can even play the shopping or the cooking game - sticks, dry leaves, grass and minute flowers make excellent ingredients for a yummy soup.

There are as many of these games as there are objects colse to you and situations you encounter every day. Eventually, when your child knows that you are free and open to pretend and be whatever they like they will suggest their own ideas, like pretending to be butterflies or horses, for example. Don't be shy, spread your wings and fly, stretch your legs and gallop away!

Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's amelioration

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Child Behavior For A Three Year Old

Child Behavior For A Three Year Old

Parenting Question

Child Behavior For A Three Year Old

Child Behavior For A Three Year Old

Child Behavior For A Three Year Old

Child Behavior For A Three Year Old

Child Behavior For A Three Year Old

"I'm spiraling out of operate with my three-year-old daughter. She won't listen
to me and I know that the 'naughty bench' isn't working. I'm at a total loss and
feel like such a failure. I don't want to hit her or use the kind of strong
verbal yelling that my parents did. What do I do? I want her to understand that
I'm the boss and when I ask her to do something or obey something, she should do
it. My father was giving me parenting guidance today and I feel so out of control.
Is this normal child behavior for a three-year-old?"--Out-of-Control Mom

Positive Parenting Tip for Child Behavior for a Three Year Old

Dear Out-of-Control Mom:

Firstly, you are Not a failure--just a mom who needs some new tools.

My guess is that you haven't had many courses on how to deal with three-year-old
behavior, so be diplomatic with yourself.

Many parents ask me what's "normal" when it comes to child behavior for a
three-year-old. No matter what your child's age, what it comes down to is this:
how is your child's behavior working for you, and how is it working for them.
From your question, I sense it just ain't working--period!

So let's first look at what is going on for your daughter. Children at the
pre-school stage are developing a whole host of new skills, including: wanting
more independence (for example, "No, I want to do it by myself!"); asserting
their wants ("I want that!"); and learning about friendship ("Give that back!").
One of the best things you can do when parenting a three-year-old is to retain
your child in attaining these new skills without allowing them to become
demanding or spoiled. To ensure you don't fall into unhealthy habits that
promote Power struggles, select to use a firm--but kind--approach and look for
ways that your child can learn from each situation.

The more you can allow your three-year-old to do things on her own (and they
won't be perfect), the less likely she will be to fight you on everything. Look
for household tasks that she can do at her age and find ways that she can help
you out. Have her fill the dog bowl, hold the door open for you when you are
bringing groceries into the house, set the table, etc. The busier you can keep
her doing clear behaviors, the less occasion she will Move towards negative

Be warned: even if you take this approach, your daughter is still going to test
you. Below are six easy steps for dealing with three-year-olds when they just won't

1. Let Go of Timeouts - Timeouts can work for some children (but there
are far better techniques). Ultimately, the only someone we can operate is
ourselves. If timeouts are not working (that is, your child refuses to go to the
"naughty bench", stay on the "naughty bench", or tells you they make their own
rules and have Moved the "naughty bench"), look for other ways to inspire them
to want to be well-behaved (as suggested in the following five steps).

2. Fire Yourself as Boss of the Household! - Many parents buy into the
belief that mom should be the boss of the household and be in control. Yet, we
must remember that we are modeling for our children how to act every single
minute of the day. Our Kids learn more from what we do than from what we say. If
they see us pulling rank as "boss", they will attempt to be "boss" too.
Unfortunately, when this happens, they may outrank us and the real Power
struggles will begin!

3. Provide Flexibility with Boundaries - Instead of boss, see yourself as
your child's coach or guide, responsible for providing them with experiences to
learn from and allowing them to contact the consequences of their actions.
Give clear guidelines, but also give them flexibility too. For example, "Your
Toys need to be cleaned up before we go to Grandma's. Do you want to clean them
up now, or in 5 minutes from now?" If they still don't clean up, then you might
not go to Grandma's that day. Children need to know what the rules are and, more
importantly, they need to know you will follow-through with the rules. Once you
become consistent with your behavior, your children will learn to trust what you
say and will improve their behavior accordingly.

4. Stay Firm (but Kind) - If they fight, you follow-through. Do this
without yelling, scolding or punishing. Don't buy into their tears, and
definitely don't get into a debate. Stay firm, but stay kind. Tell them that
when they want a hug, to come find you. I know holding your cool is easier said
than done. For more on this, check out the "Mom's Time-Out" section (page
111-114) of When You're About To Go Off The Deep End, Don't Take Your Kids
With You.

5. Use Consequences That spin to Their Behavior - Punishment teaches
our kids to feel bad, but rarely teaches them how to "do good". If you are
encountering the same misbehaviors over and over again, your child is clearly
not learning from their mistakes. To facilitate learning, make clear any
consequences used are directly connected to the misbehavior. For example, when
your child is rough with the computer, computer time is over; when your child is
splashing water out of the tub, bath time is over; or when your child is goofing
off with their food, evening meal is over. Again, do these quickly, but kindly.

6. Thank and Appreciate Your Child for What They Do - Children want to
please and they want to know that their contributions make a difference.
Remember to tell them so--and often.

Learning how to motivate our children to want to be well-behaved takes time and
practice. Yet, taking the time now to learn these tools can save you years of
heartache and frustration. Keep reading, keep practicing, and keep empowering
that three-year-old of yours: then Watch their behavior change for the better!

Child Behavior For A Three Year Old

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

7 Sure-Fire Tips For Potty Training Toddlers

7 Sure-Fire Tips For Potty Training Toddlers

There seems to be a widely held impression, past down from generation to generation, that potty training toddlers is arduous.

7 Sure-Fire Tips For Potty Training Toddlers

7 Sure-Fire Tips For Potty Training Toddlers

7 Sure-Fire Tips For Potty Training Toddlers

7 Sure-Fire Tips For Potty Training Toddlers

7 Sure-Fire Tips For Potty Training Toddlers

Follow this practical plan and you will be able to go from all those diapers to dry in days. But only if you are prepared not to be side-tracked by other distractions during this duration and able to give your focus to toilet training.

1. Evaluating Your Child's Readiness

Does your toddler have the required verbal understanding? This includes being able to understand and carry out straightforward instructions.

Does your toddler show signs of wanting to do more things for themselves such as pulling up their own pants?

Is your child's bladder and bowel operate adequately developed? For instance, can he or she go for two or three hours before wetting their diaper?

You in fact must not go on to item 2 until you are clear your toddler can cope being toilet trained.

2. Let's Go Shopping

You want to make this trip to the shops as much fun as possible for your toddler. So what's on that shopping list?

You should get:

An anatomically definite doll (a boy doll if you have a son, a girl doll if you have a daughter); Potties (yes it's best to have two or three nearby the home so there is always one close at hand when it's wanted); Underpants, preferably vibrantly colored. It's even best if there's a photograph of one of their favorite cartoon characters on them. Diaper or training underpants can be a practical explication for any trips out but make sure you treat them as real pants not diapers; a wall chart and stickers.

Remember to let your toddler have a say in the buy choice.

3. Toilet Train The Doll

Silly as it may seem, you potty train the doll. The doll is a great teaching tool, it should not be seen as a Toy. You will be using the doll to model definite behavior.

4. Celebrate The Doll's Success

Each time the doll correctly uses the potty it is praised and a emblem is located on the wall chart that records the doll's progress. And when the doll has been potty trained it gets a party.
You want your toddler to comprehend that being potty trained is a happy, fun experience.

5. It's Farewell to Diapers

Put your toddler in pants. There's no retreating back to diapers even if there are two or three accidents along the way.

6. Give Your Toddler plenty Of Fluids

The more your toddler drinks the more they will need to urinate. So they should get plenty of practice in using a potty.

7. Ask Your Toddler If They Need the Potty

If they say no that's fine. With all those drinks they'll soon need to go. Quiz them again a Miniature later.

If they have a Miniature emergency you must not let your child see you are angry or disappointed. Just tell them they'll do best next time. Take them to the potty and have them sit on it for two or three minutes. Give them fresh pants to put on. At short intervals take them back to the potty for a total of ten times. This will help to build muscle memory. Very soon they will urinate in the potty.

A miniature food for thought. It is not just what you say, it's how you say it. This is in fact true when it comes to teaching a toddler new skills.

7 Sure-Fire Tips For Potty Training Toddlers

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Congratulations - You're Having a Baby

Congratulations - You're Having a Baby

So you're having a baby. First off, congratulations! However, having said that, there are a few things you need to know - things that population are unlikely to tell you about, but which might worry you if you don't know about them in advance.

Congratulations - You're Having a Baby

Congratulations - You're Having a Baby

Congratulations - You're Having a Baby

Congratulations - You're Having a Baby

Congratulations - You're Having a Baby

You should know that when your baby is born, there is a high probability that it will look very strange indeed. Babies can often be born blue or grey, and may have a deformed head from having to fit through such a small gap. They are generally bloody and bruised, and may be covered in body hair, especially if they were born prematurely. All this adds up to a very anticipated sight if you weren't expecting it.

You shouldn't worry, though, as the baby will return to normal quite quickly - the skin will go the right colour after a few minutes, when the baby starts to breathe, and any head injuries and odd hair should clear up after a few days. Just realise that it will take a few weeks before your baby starts to look like the cute dinky thing you were expecting.

Of course, the next thing you need to know is just what you should do with the baby after that. The most leading thing is to breastfeed the baby. Baby 'formula' is like junk food for babies, and you should avoid it at all costs - it lacks most of the natural nutrients the baby needs, and will instead fill your baby with anyone chemicals you have in your water Supply. Babies can see, hear and smell, although not very well, and the most leading thing is for the baby to be near its mom - the sight of her, the sound of her voice and the smell and taste of her milk will soothe it great than any Toy or gadget ever could.

Congratulations - You're Having a Baby

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Natural Cough Remedies For Babies

Natural Cough Remedies For Babies

When your baby comes down with a cough, you want to do whatever you can to make her more comfortable. Yet at the same time, you don't want to grab over the counter medication, since there are normally side effects and chemicals that you'd rather not expose babies to if it can be avoided. What's more, recent studies have shown that cough syrups are worthless and the sugar they contain may even prolong illness.

Natural Cough Remedies For Babies

Natural Cough Remedies For Babies

Natural Cough Remedies For Babies

Natural Cough Remedies For Babies

Natural Cough Remedies For Babies

Thankfully there are quite a few natural remedies that you can try to calm your baby's cough. If your baby seems congested, take her in the bathroom and run a hot shower. The steam from the shower will help loosen that congestion in her lungs.

Putting your baby in a warm (not hot) bath can have the same effect. Make the bath even more efficient by adding a few drops of eucalyptus, sage or thyme oil into the bath water. The vapors from these significant oils will help open baby's airways, allowing her to breath easier. The vapors from these oils will also sooth a sore throat.

If your baby's cough is caused by croup, sometimes the best course of performance is to wrap her up warmly and take her out in the night air. The cold air sometimes calms the inflammation in the upper airways.

You can also use sage and thyme to make tea out of them. The warm herbal tea will help clear mucus out of your baby's lungs. Please check with your pediatrician to find out at what age you can start giving your baby these herbal teas.

Licorice tea is other great natural cough treatment. Licorice has antibacterial properties that will help you baby fight the bacteria that are causing the cough. It also soothes the throat and calms the respiratory tract; helping her get some much needed sleep. Make a cup of licorice tea and give it to your baby as warm as possible, of course without burning her.

Another very efficient and gentle natural cough remedy for babies is an herbal rub. Start with 3 to 4 tablespoons of olive oil and add 2 drops of significant oils to the olive oil. Good oils to use are eucalyptus, sage, rosemary and peppermint oil. A aggregate of eucalyptus and rosemary works unquestionably well at night, since the eucalyptus will calm your baby's cough and allow her to breath easier, while the rosemary helps calm her down and drift off to sleep.

Mix the olive oil and significant oils well, then apply the aggregate to your baby's chest and back. If the baby is small, swaddle her in a soft blanket, otherwise keep her back and chest as covered as inherent with a thicker, tight fitting shirt to build up body heat which will allow the significant oils to vaporize. As baby breathes in the fumes, breathing will get easier.

A humidifier is other great choice when it comes to manufacture your coughing baby more comfortable. Use a few of the same significant oils recommend above and run the humidifier in baby's bedroom.

Some Moms have found that breastmilk will help soothe and heal a cough good than any other drink. If you're nursing and baby develops a cough, don't stop breastfeeding. Increase baby's feedings. Breastmilk is not a dairy stock and is the safest food for baby when he's sick.

This record is provided for facts purposes only. Please consult your baby's health care provider before trying home remedies.

Natural Cough Remedies For Babies

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Easy Baby Shower Favors You Can Make

Easy Baby Shower Favors You Can Make

If you want to keep down costs at your baby shower, you might want to think manufacture your own simple, but inspiring baby shower favors. With a microscopic bit of imagination and creativity, you could make pretty baby shower favors that your guests will love, and that don't cost the earth. Call some of your friends to help you make handmade personalized favors and you're all set.

Easy Baby Shower Favors You Can Make

Easy Baby Shower Favors You Can Make

Easy Baby Shower Favors You Can Make

Easy Baby Shower Favors You Can Make

Easy Baby Shower Favors You Can Make

The tips below are so easy to make you can have a hundred favors ready in just a few hours.

Take small sized plastic bottles, and use these to fill with luxurious treats for guests. Colored and scented bath salts are a great idea. Select from fragrances that consist of Jojoba, almond oil and aloe Vera. Or buy a large box of sweet scented hand lotion, and fill each bottle. Tie the top with a pink or blue ribbon, or use a lace ribbon to tie a bow. A satin ribbon wrapped elegantly around works just as well.

Give your guests diaper baby gift basket favors to take home. Take a new born sized diaper, and line the inside with tissue. Now fill with treats and candies and mints. Use a drawstring to draw close tight, and attach a microscopic tag thanking your guest for attending the shower. Your guests will find the idea behind the diaper baby gift basket ingenious.

For a unlikeness of the diaper theme, take small new born baby booties (you'll find these at online stores that sell baby gifts) and fill each with treats. Use the string to draw shut, and place in a large basket at the entrance, so citizen can pick a booty as they come in.

Buy empty glass jars in bulk, and fill with bubble bath, bath salts, body or hand lotion, or shower gel. The bottles are very inexpensive, and the goodies inside will please the most jaded guest. Remember to add a festive touch to the jar by wrapping a red satin bow around the top.

Buy microscopic mugs at allowance stores or order them online. Place a singular flower in each, and place all of them at a table near the entrance. As guests leave, they can pick up a singular cup with a bloom.

Seed packets make great baby shower favors. Look for seed packet favors at online stores and present guests for a baby shower favor that will grow to spread its fragrance around year after year!

Easy Baby Shower Favors You Can Make

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Toddler Constipation - effective Remedies & stoppage

Toddler Constipation - effective Remedies & stoppage

Constipation occurs when waste material Moves through the bowel too slowly. It is characterized as infrequent bowel Movements and the passage of hard and painful stools. Normally constipation is caused by a diet low in fiber, ingesting too much dairy products such as milk and cheese, not drinking sufficient water or waiting too long to go to the bathroom. Waiting too long to go to the bathroom is very tasteless among young children. It is marvelous how Kids will ignore the urge to use the bathroom until they are two seconds from wetting their pants. Talk about procrastination!

Toddler Constipation - effective Remedies & stoppage

Toddler Constipation - effective Remedies & stoppage

Toddler Constipation - effective Remedies & stoppage

Toddler Constipation - effective Remedies & stoppage

Toddler Constipation - effective Remedies & stoppage

If a child has hard and painful stools, he will typically hold in his bowel Movements to preclude it from hurting again. This makes the constipation continue and worsen. Remind your child to go when they have the urge and not wait until the last minute.

Constipation is best treated by making dietary changes. Until the constipation has improved stool softeners and natural remedies may be used. Some measures that can be used to treat and preclude constipation in your child include:

Increasing fluids: growth the number of water and fruit juice that your child drinks each day.

Increasing fiber: growth the amounts of fruits and vegetables. Raw, unpeeled fruits and vegetables such as beans, sweet potatoes, peas, turnip greens, raw tomatoes and corn consist of an exquisite number of fiber. Vegetable soups are especially high in fiber and also add more liquids to your child's diet.

Increasing bran: growth bran in your child's diet with bran cereals, bran muffins, shredded wheat, graham crackers, or whole wheat bread.

Reducing constipating foods: Foods that cause constipation consist of cow's milk, yogurt, cheese, cooked carrots, and bananas. Drinking too much milk (your child may only be drinking 2-3 cups a day, but it may be too much for his system to handle) is heavily related with having constipation. Soy milk has been shown to soften stools.

Stool Softeners

Many medicines used to preclude constipation can be purchased over the counter at your local pharmacy. They consist of Colace Syrup, Maltsupex, Metamucil, Milk of magnesia, Citrucel, mineral oil.

Unlike laxatives, stool softeners are Normally not thought about to be habit forming. You should use them once or twice a day and work up on the dose until your child is having a soft stool each day. If you child starts to have diarrhea, then you are giving too much and should cut back on the dosage.

Acute Constipation

If your child has been constipated for a long time he may need to be "cleaned out" before the stool softeners will work by using an enema, a glycerine suppository or high doses of mineral oil. A stimulate laxative such as Senokot can also be used. Miralax is an effective treatment used to treat constipation but is ready only by prescription. Avoid the frequent use of enemas, suppositories and laxatives because they can become habit forming. Touch your doctor before treating a child with acute constipation.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies and dietary supplements that aid in the preventing constipation


*Garlic - destroys harmful bacteria in the colon.

*Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids - has a cleansing and medical effect.

*Chlorophyll Liquid - eliminates toxins and bad breath.

*Vitamin E - helps heal the colon.

*Aloe Vera - heals and cleans the digestive tract and softens stools when taken internally.

*Ginger - stimulates the digestive system and helps food pass through the intestines.

* Flax seed - You can buy flaxseeds and crush them yourself and add it in your food. Make sure to drink plenty of water.

Toddler Constipation - effective Remedies & stoppage

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Your Baby Is Having His First Cold - What To Do

Your Baby Is Having His First Cold - What To Do

As a new parent both you and your house are probably overjoyed. The first few months has been nothing but astonishing and you are hoping it will stay like this forever. Unfortunately daily life does not work like that and you are bound to contact some bumps in the road along the way and nothing is worse than when your baby gets sick.

Your Baby Is Having His First Cold - What To Do

Your Baby Is Having His First Cold - What To Do

Your Baby Is Having His First Cold - What To Do

Your Baby Is Having His First Cold - What To Do

Your Baby Is Having His First Cold - What To Do

Like everybody else, you will wake up one morning and find that your diminutive baby has got a real bad cold. Listening to that diminutive chest being so congested can for many first time parents be very traumatic. You may not be quite sure of what to do and feel fully helpless because you can tell your baby is having a hard time breathing and he has a diminutive bit of a fever.

In most cases of a baby cold there is no surmise to panic and for most babies there is no surmise to take them to the physician either. Of policy if taking him to the physician make you feel better and safer that is what you should do. For anything you are not sure of when it comes to your child you should seek guidance from somewhere. Anyway, like mentioned, with most baby colds there is normally no surmise to rush to the doctor.

As for yourself when you have a cold there are definite things you should do for your baby when he has a cold. Here are a few ideas which can make it easier for both you and your baby. First of all make sure they get lots of fluids to keep them from dehydrating, this is very important.

In order for your baby to be able to breathe better, buy one of those mist humidifiers and keep it on while the baby is taking a nap and at night time. This will help loosen up the cough secretions and let them breathe better. A humidifier will also help you if you get a cold so it is not a waste of money.

Keep their head elevated. Try to put something under the baby's mattress to build up their head elevation. Babies all the time breathe better if elevated and not laying flat on their back during sickness.

If your child has a bad coughing spell, go in the bathroom turn on the shower with real hot water so it will steam up the bathroom. Sit the baby on your lap and let them breathe in the steam. This will help ease their cough.

Other things you can do to keep your child more comfortable during this time is to make sure you have things colse to the house to lessen the fever and hurt like for example child Tylenol. Also make sure to give lots of love, hugs and kisses just to let them know you are there for them.

All of this is only suggestions but hopefully it will help you get straight through your baby's first cold.

Your Baby Is Having His First Cold - What To Do

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Bathroom Injuries

Bathroom Injuries

As humorous as the title "Bathroom Injuries" may sound, restrooms are a very tasteless place for household and hotel injuries. There are a amount of hazards that can follow in injury and even death. This narrative will give you some guidance as to avoiding the underground dangers that may be present in your own personal bathroom.

Bathroom Injuries

Bathroom Injuries

Bathroom Injuries

Bathroom Injuries

Bathroom Injuries

Bathrooms combine any risky elements that can follow in injury. Most bathrooms are made of tile or other hard flooring, and have showers, bathtubs, sinks, and toilets that can splash water on the floors and make them slippery. Also, burns, drowning, and even medication overdose can all occur in the bathroom.

First, the bathroom floor and the shower floor can come to be extremely slippery when covered in water. Also, goods buildup, such as soap scum, can also conduce to slip-and-fall accidents. If your bathroom is not properly constructed, it may not drain water, which can follow in roughly a hydroplane follow on your feet. Additionally, some shower and bathtub flooring does not have extra grip strips. As you are showering and shampooing your hair, you can lose your equilibrium in the shower, resulting in a fall.

Slip-and-fall accidents can follow in injuries such as head trauma, lacerations, broken bones, and chipped teeth. If you happen to be knocked unconscious, there is a occasion that you can lay for hours alone in your bathroom, perhaps drowning.

Studies show that one of the most tasteless bathroom injuries is being burned by scalding hot water. If you are washing your hands or stepping into the shower, some water heaters may be turned up too hot, resulting in burns to your hands, back, head, and body.

Next, any accumulation in water can be risky for people who cannot swim. Even a few inches of bathwater in the tub can provide enough to kill a baby or a man who has fallen face down in the tub. Thus, you should never leave young children or elderly people alone in a bathroom. Also, toilet bowls hold enough water to cover someone's mouth and nose. You should think all the time putting the lid down or even getting a lid latch to keep potential drowning victims out of the bathroom.

Also, if the tile or granite in your bathroom is poorly cut or construction, it can chip. This may lead to abrasions and lacerations from the sharp surfaces. Lastly, many people choose to keep their rehabilitation cabinets in the bathroom. Thoughprovoking Kids and suicidal people may exploit this fact, resulting in mental damage or even death.

With all of the dangers that are present in bathrooms, you should keep your personal restroom as protected as potential against drownings, burns, and slips. You should also be able to trust a hotel to keep their bathroom safe as well. However, there is no guarantee that a hotel is vigilant about bathroom safety, which can follow in an injury to you or man you love.

For more information on hotel personal injury law, check out the personal injury lawyers at Palmer & Associates, P.C., today.

Bathroom Injuries

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

This is a year of exploration and discovery. He's mastering his skill of walking, balancing, picking up things and carrying them about.

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

His bodily Development

Physical improvement is the stage at which your 2 year child acquires bodily skills such as sitting, standing and walking.

This is where you need to make changes to his improvement now that he is mobile, by putting reachable objects out of the way and production clear rules and boundaries.

At 2 years he can...

Run safely, avoiding obstacles and is very mobile Climb up unto furniture Push and pull large wheeled Toys Walk up and down stairs, commonly putting two feet on each step Sand on stride when shown Kick a large ball gently
His Cognitive/Intellectual improvement

The area of improvement related with knowledge, insight and reasoning of your two year old is referred to as intellectual or cognitive development. This involves what he knows and his potential to reason, understand and to solve problems.


Follows straightforward instructions and requests... Such as 'Please bring me the Toy' Begins to understand the consequences of his own actions Can say a few nursery rhymes Spends time naming things and what they do Provides relieve when younger siblings or other babies cry.
His social And Emotional improvement

Social and emotional improvement involves the way in which he makes sense of his feelings, the feelings he has towards others and the improvement of self-image and identity and the growth of his association with other people, the improvement of his social skills and socialization.

At this stage he...

Is very enchanting about the environment around him Begins to express how he feels Likes to help others Goes to the toilet independently and can dress himself Is very eager to try out new things
His Language Development


Uses fifty or more recognizable words appropriately Forms sentences by putting two or more words together Carries out straightforward instructions such as 'go and get me a spoon' Talks to himself often Spends time naming things and what they do

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Toilet Paper Bridal Shower Game

Toilet Paper Bridal Shower Game

This great Bridal Shower Game is excellent for together with guests of all ages. Everybody can enjoy this unique game filled with hysterical high-jinx. Have a camera close at hand for the gorgeous bridal outfits created by using daily items found in everyone's household. By using rolls of toilet paper, teams of guests can generate lovely traditional gowns that rival costly couture creations!

Toilet Paper Bridal Shower Game

Toilet Paper Bridal Shower Game

Toilet Paper Bridal Shower Game

Toilet Paper Bridal Shower Game

Toilet Paper Bridal Shower Game

The point of this super Bridal Shower Game is to have guests generate wedding day outfits out of toilet paper. If you are together with both the bride and the groom in your shower, be sure to have teams generate male clothing that is thorough for such formal situations as a wedding. Also, be sure to consist of the bridal party in the outfit creation-they are sure to feel good about their current bridal wear instead of the toilet paper potential. If flower girls, junior bridesmaids, or ring bearers are present, consist of the pint sized party members in this super game.

Depending on the size of your crowd, you may need to dispose guests into pairs, triplets, or teams of varying numbers. Have each team make bridal wear for a definite individual. These would consist of the bride, groom, bridesmaids, maid of honor, best man, ushers, junior bridesmaids, ring bearer, or flower girl. Give each team the thorough make materials so that they can generate a astonishing outfit for this Bridal Shower Game. You may want to consist of feather dusters, toilet paper, crepe paper, balloons, or any other materials you can think of in the designing of your bridal wear.

When designing the formal wear for this Bridal Shower Game, instruct pairs or teams to consist of accessories like veils, hats, baskets, corsages, or bouquets. You may also want to have special awards for these extras or have each guest try their hand at making a toilet paper flower. Once all of these flowers have been made, integrate them into the traditional rehearsal bouquet made for the bride. This Bridal Games is sure to be remembered by all participants.

To faultless this super Bridal Shower Game, time each team or pair of designers and limit their make tools. Once the timer sounds, all teams should stop and begin to showcase their outfit. Reconsider having each wearer model their outfits in a high animated fashion show. Elect each member of the team to give a commentary on their design.

During the fashion show, Supply guests with pen and paper and encourage them to vote on their favorites. If you have many models, generate separate categories, such as scandalous, sweet, or stunning. Also consist of categories like best use of toilet paper and most creative. Once Everybody has voted on their beloved creations, bonus the winning team with special prizes.

Before individuals disrobe from their stunning toilet paper creations, be sure to document each make with a picture before the outfit is destroyed. This Bridal Shower Game is sure to be a hit with every guest, no matter what their age! Everybody is sure to remember this fun and unique game, so be sure to consist of it when you are planning for your wedding shower.

If you are planning a small shower with a few guests, have Everybody focus their make skills on the bride. Using the materials given, make a gorgeous dress the bride *should* wear on her big day. Allow separate individuals to focus on definite aspects of the bridal attire, from the dress to the veil to the bouquet to the footwear. Everybody should have a opening to partake in this excellent Bridal Shower Game!

Toilet Paper Bridal Shower Game

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to Potty Train a Chihuahua the Easy Way

How to Potty Train a Chihuahua the Easy Way

Chihuahuas are one of the most gorgeous and luxurious dog breeds in the world. We all love our pet Chihuahuas for many reasons; they are smart, playful, loving and adorable They are among the smallest dog breeds but their courage, bravery and temperament makes them interesting. Teaching them where to urinate or defecate is foremost with Chihuahuas. It is best for you to make your pet acknowledge these behaviors at a young age. However, they have a credit for being stubborn or difficult to train regarding, going to the bathroom outside. Many habitancy do not understand the point of potty-training at an early age. You should start training your Chihuahua the very first day you get your popular pet home. This will generate a natural instinct in your Chihuahua's behavior to comfort itself outdoors, rather than in the living room. This narrative will help you understand how to potty-train a Chihuahua one step at a time.

How to Potty Train a Chihuahua the Easy Way

How to Potty Train a Chihuahua the Easy Way

How to Potty Train a Chihuahua the Easy Way

How to Potty Train a Chihuahua the Easy Way

How to Potty Train a Chihuahua the Easy Way

Step 1: Chihuahuas are very spellbinding and you should take advantage of that and train them at a young age. As a Chihuahua owner you will immediately learn that they go to the bathroom in separate spots of the house without regard. You will want to take your Chihuahua face often, maybe every two hours, to go to the bathroom. Take your Chihuahua to the same spot every time, so they will become comfortable using that area. Additionally, speak a command such as "go potty," when you take him or her to the bathroom. This will help them associate the command with going potty. If your Chihuahua is good and goes to the bathroom, give certain reinforcement, such as a dog treat. Chihuahuas acknowledge well to certain attention, and results in them becoming potty trained efficiently.

Step 2: One of the next things you need to be aware of is to identify a extra spot of the house where your pet tends to make its mess. Therefore, you as the pet owner can associate this area with your dog's need to go potty. Chihuahuas should be taken face after every meal or nap because they tend to do it after an extended duration of time. Paying attentiveness to your pet's behavior is also important. Try to identify what your Chihuahua's mood is like when he or she is about to comfort itself so you can get prepared in the future. Additionally, it may be a good idea to buy a baby gate and put it up your living room so they wont wander off and possibly have accidents.

Step 3: To reiterate, use dog training command words, such as "go potty," can be helpful because they are signals honestly captured by a Chihuahua. The more often you use them, the quicker your dog will get used to acting in a carefully way when he or she hears them. Interestingly, try to make a program out of these situations. Observation when your Chihuahua eats and then evacuates. Do your best to keep a mental narrative of time on the first occasions to help yourself with hereafter events. With this straightforward performance you will be assuring rules and guidelines for both you and your dog.

Step 4 and Beyond: It is very foremost for you to treat your Chihuahua with patience and a loving attitude. Violence, aggression or intolerance towards your Chihuahua will not supervene in victorious potty training. Chihuahua potty training is a specific time speculation that you will enjoy later on when your Chihuahua has grown up. You will honestly appreciate having taken the time at first and reap the benefits later on. Consequently, many habitancy think that keeping dogs locked up in a cage is a cruel form punishment, but this is far from the truth. Placing your Chihuahua in a cage during the night time can be a great way to keep them from having accidents. However, please don't keep them in their cage for long periods of time, and be sure to take them face when you first get up in the morning.

You can do all right, but more than likely your Chihuahua will probably have an emergency once in a while. You should remember to never physically scold your Chihuahua for having an accident. This can have a detrimental affect on their potty-training. Just a straightforward "no", or "bad" is sufficient punishment for them. Amazingly, Chihuahua training doesn't have to be the heartache many habitancy make it out to be. Just supervene these guidelines and you will be on your way to having a well-trained Chihuahua that will go to the bathroom outside! In the cold winter months please make sure that your pet Chihuahua has the proper attire, such as a dog sweater or cute dog parka.

How to Potty Train a Chihuahua the Easy Way

Thanks To : Rechargeable Batteries | Green Battery Chargers | klaussner british isle Travel Adapter Plug Bunn Coffee Grinders

Friday, February 3, 2012

Baby Girl Clip Art

Baby Girl Clip Art

The online baby girl images help you to construct intriguing invitation cards and e-greetings easily. The World Wide Web is a great storage of information on any field matter (we too are aiming to contributing to this store). Nowadays, many websites (both paid and free) host baby girl images, baby boy images as well as baby shower images.

Baby Girl Clip Art

Baby Girl Clip Art

Baby Girl Clip Art

Baby Girl Clip Art

Baby Girl Clip Art

Clip art, as its name suggests, is a form of illustrated art that makes use of pre-existing images. These drawings / images are either copied or physically cut from existing works in the printed format on a single topic. The sources of these pictures are either books that have entered the communal domain or books specifically published for such use. Logos, mascots, identity and business cards, invitations, letterheads, etc., can be made by cutting or copying the images. Clip art facilitates the availability of a pool of generic art that can be used and reused by non-artists.

Baby girl images are the cheapest and most viable options for enriching your content of baby shower invitation cards and greetings. With the right software, any picture or image may be converted into clipart. Free baby images is a great way to improve any presentation as it provides colorful and intriguing images exactly in tune with the content presented.

Baby girl Images:
Various websites contain thousands of readily ready images. These drawings are supplementary grouped under sub-categories; say baby girl images, baby boy images, baby shower images, etc. One can avail the services and take a single drawing or a group of drawings from a single sub-group according to ones needs.

Baby shower Images:
The shower ceremony celebrates the arrival of a baby in this world and particularly into a family. As such, invitations are sent out to the near and dear ones. The images come to be handy while sending invitations for the shower ceremony. Many sites host baby shower images on various themes - baby boy shower images, girl clip art, baby adoption clip art, etc. One can refer to either the paid or free baby shower clip art sites in designing your invitations.

If the chance is say the arrival of a girl, then the theme of the invitation card as well as that of the party will be for a girl. In these cases, baby clip art photos are to be used. You may opt to send either printed invitations or invitations via the Internet. The huge stocks of baby clipart pictures enable one to make a inevitable choice. One can supplementary give a personalized touch to the cards by innovative use of ideas and words.

Baby Girl Clip Art

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Potty Training Toddlers - 2 Overlooked Tips That Can Dramatically improve Your Child's Success

Potty Training Toddlers - 2 Overlooked Tips That Can Dramatically improve Your Child's Success

Potty training toddlers is a big milestone in a parent's and child's life. Unfortunately for many parents, it is also a big test on their patience; enduringly cleaning up wet and smelly accidents day after day as your child gets used to the new adjustments. Your child may also act like many children in this age group who resist change, throwing tantrums, refusing to use the toilet or compromising; willing to go estimate 1 but surely will not go estimate 2.

Potty Training Toddlers - 2 Overlooked Tips That Can Dramatically improve Your Child's Success

Potty Training Toddlers - 2 Overlooked Tips That Can Dramatically improve Your Child's Success

Potty Training Toddlers - 2 Overlooked Tips That Can Dramatically improve Your Child's Success

Potty Training Toddlers - 2 Overlooked Tips That Can Dramatically improve Your Child's Success

Potty Training Toddlers - 2 Overlooked Tips That Can Dramatically improve Your Child's Success

In any of those cases, the parents pay in the long run. I'm not saying that in any negative way whatsoever, we all learn by production mistakes; that's a fact of life. What I am saying however, is that the mounting costs of diapers, creams, wipes and clothing detergent are only getting higher, so wouldn't it more make sense to want to potty train your child as soon as possible?

Potty training toddlers can be a big hassle, have you ever heard a puny saying called "The Terrible Twos"? Chances are if you're reading this you're going through them right now, or maybe you want to get some tips before you begin potty training. Whatever the theorize my be, these are the two most foremost factors in potty training your toddler:

1. Do Not pressure your toddler!

Do you know how it feels to have gotten a free trial membership somewhere, like the gym for instance, and when you gift your free trial you are immediately pulled into the back where you spend about 20 minutes fighting the Fitness trainer's pitch about how a monthly membership for you and your house would do a world of overwhelming things for you?

Well, take that feeling and try to view it from the point of a toddler. Kind of hard, isn't it? To your child, you are the "Fitness trainer" trying to sell him or her a lifetime membership to the "potty", when they are perfectly fine as-is. The more you pressure, the more they resist until you whether relent and let them go or force them to use the toilet.

The natural solution is to use reverse science of mind make it fun for them to use the restroom. If you make it into a game with prizes, your toddler should want to "play". This leads to the next foremost tip in potty training toddlers.

2. Focus Your Attention!

You have to agenda a duration of time to be alone with your child everyday until going to the restroom becomes a habit, regularly 3 weeks to a month and a half, without any distractions - no television, telephones, cell phones, internet, Radio or Whatever else that takes your undivided concentration away from your toddler.

You may be request "Why is this necessary"? Potty training toddlers in this modern world where facts is delivered at the speed of Light and everybody is rushing through the day can be difficult for many people (like me) who need to multi-task to get work done.

However your child does not know about the necessities of modern living - they are just now becoming aware of their bodily functions! When potty training toddlers it is foremost for you to be there and focused on them to help them recognize the signals so that they know when they have to head to the toilet on their own. But wouldn't you like to skip all the messy work, have your toddler potty trained quickly, and keep the time you need?

Potty Training Toddlers - 2 Overlooked Tips That Can Dramatically improve Your Child's Success

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Buying Baby Clothes on a budget

Buying Baby Clothes on a budget

If your spouse is pregnant, this is the best time to start production a list of all the items your new baby will need. On top of the list is, of course, clothes for your baby. Here are some tips on getting good deals on baby clothes.

Buying Baby Clothes on a budget

Buying Baby Clothes on a budget

Buying Baby Clothes on a budget

Buying Baby Clothes on a budget

Buying Baby Clothes on a budget

Tip 1: Hand-me-downs

Babies grow very fast and tend to outgrow their clothes in no time. If a close relative or friend has a child only sLightly older than yours and has some baby clothes to pass on, go ahead and accept them. In all likelihood, the clothes have only been used a combine of times and will be as good as new. The best part of hand-me-downs? They don't cost a cent.

Tip 2: Unused baby shower gifts

Baby clothes are a coarse gift given at baby showers. Often, women receive more clothes than their baby will ever use, which are whether given away or sold cheap. The best way to spot these baby clothes is to scout around yard sales and look for clothing with the tags still attached.

Tip 3: End of season sales

Buying baby clothes while season-ending sales is a great way to save money on baby clothes, especially if you are partial to branded clothes. The key here is to plan your shopping well in advance. For example, if your spouse is due in summer, you can purchase winter clothes from newborn to 6 months while the old winter end sale.

Tip 4: Reuse old clothes.

Since your baby is growing well fast, use your creativity and reuse old clothes to make new ones. For example, if your baby has outgrown his or her trousers, cut them to make shorts. Jackets whose sleeves are too short can come to be waistcoats if you cut the sleeves off.

Looking after young child involves managing a range of tasks; one of the more pleasurable among these is buying baby clothes. However, shopping for children's clothes requires true thought. Find out more tips while choosing baby clothes.

Buying Baby Clothes on a budget

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