Monday, March 5, 2012

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

This is a year of exploration and discovery. He's mastering his skill of walking, balancing, picking up things and carrying them about.

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

His bodily Development

Physical improvement is the stage at which your 2 year child acquires bodily skills such as sitting, standing and walking.

This is where you need to make changes to his improvement now that he is mobile, by putting reachable objects out of the way and production clear rules and boundaries.

At 2 years he can...

Run safely, avoiding obstacles and is very mobile Climb up unto furniture Push and pull large wheeled Toys Walk up and down stairs, commonly putting two feet on each step Sand on stride when shown Kick a large ball gently
His Cognitive/Intellectual improvement

The area of improvement related with knowledge, insight and reasoning of your two year old is referred to as intellectual or cognitive development. This involves what he knows and his potential to reason, understand and to solve problems.


Follows straightforward instructions and requests... Such as 'Please bring me the Toy' Begins to understand the consequences of his own actions Can say a few nursery rhymes Spends time naming things and what they do Provides relieve when younger siblings or other babies cry.
His social And Emotional improvement

Social and emotional improvement involves the way in which he makes sense of his feelings, the feelings he has towards others and the improvement of self-image and identity and the growth of his association with other people, the improvement of his social skills and socialization.

At this stage he...

Is very enchanting about the environment around him Begins to express how he feels Likes to help others Goes to the toilet independently and can dress himself Is very eager to try out new things
His Language Development


Uses fifty or more recognizable words appropriately Forms sentences by putting two or more words together Carries out straightforward instructions such as 'go and get me a spoon' Talks to himself often Spends time naming things and what they do

Stages Of improvement Of A 2 Year Old Child

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