Saturday, July 23, 2011

Toilet Train Your Toddler at Age Two Years

Toddlers are not ready to be trained at 18 months as they still will not be able to control their bowel. They also will not understand what the fuss is about the diapers being soiled and the contents leaked out. They would not know the stench is unbearable to adults. Some toddlers even play with the mess. Do not scold him and scream that it is dirty. Just clear the mess and he will forget about it. Do not force your child to do his business early or he will rebel when you have to train him at age two to two and half years.

Some toddlers can be trained at 18 months. But do not compare and pressurize yourself. At age two to two and a half it will not be a qoute unless you force your toddler earlier.

Baby Toilet

However it is good to introduce the potty or you can put a child sized cover over your toilet seat and let baby sit on it. This is to get ready your toddler for the toilet training.

Toilet Train Your Toddler at Age Two Years

If you have older siblings around, let him Watch them doing their business. Do not praise him or force him to do it as he will rebel when you want to toilet train him at age 2 years. Teach him to wash his hands after going to the toilet. Instill this habit early.

It is good to use pee and pooh rather than 'wee wee'. Your toddler should know that it is just part and parcel of life to do our business in the toilet, nothing to be ashamed or secretive about.

Toilet Train Your Toddler at Age Two Years

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1 comment:

  1. Toilet training can be one of the most difficult phases of parenting a new born child. Once you kid has crossed a specific age and size, you may be interested in potty chairs for kids, to begin the toilet training process.
    its necessary to buy a Baby Potty Chairs for your toddlers..
