Thursday, December 8, 2011

Baby Shower Games and Fun Ideas

Baby Shower Games and Fun Ideas

Traditional Baby Shower Games can be an intelligent way to get your guests complicated in the shower festivities and will also serve as an ice breaker for those who may not know each other all that well. Every game has a winner (or two in the case of a tie) so you will need to have some fun and clever prizes for the successful as well as some thoughtful parting gifts for all of your guests (even the ones who did not win any games!). Here are a few ideas for activities and games that are sure to entertain:

How Big Is Mommy's Tummy?

Using pieces of yarn or sheets of toilet paper to guess the size of mommy's tummy is an age old favorite that is straightforward to accomplish and all the time sure to get the party off to a fun start. Whoever comes closest to the actual circumference of the baby-belly is the winner.

Don't Say "Baby"!

Everyone starts off wearing a pin on their shirt. If you catch man saying the word "baby" while the party, you take their pin and put it on your shirt. Whoever ends up wearing the most pins by the end of the night wins.

Blind Fold Taste Test

The Baby food guessing game is superior shower performance that is sure to furnish knee slapping laughs. Blind folded contestants taste spoonfuls of assorted baby foods and the man who correctly identifies the most flavors is the winner (or loser if you consider the toll on their taste buds!).

Baby Bingo

Personalize your own game of baby bingo creating spaces that consist of mommy's name, the baby's due date, and other fun facts about the family.

There are abundance of fun and creative games that you can play with your guests that wish nothing more than pencil and paper. How many baby items can you list in 30 seconds? It sounds straightforward and easy but you would be surprised how much (or how little) can come to mind when the stop Watch is running. The winner is the man who can list the most items before time is up, but every person playing is sure to get a kick out of some the answers when you take turns reading them aloud!

You can also put your creativity to work and come up with your own Unique Baby Shower Games, tailoring your party activities to match the personality and preferences of the mother-to-be.

Congratulations and have a spectacular, baby shower!

baby toilet seat

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