Child improvement Timeline - Birth to Age 5
Following is an estimated timeline of developmental achievements for your child. Please note that all children design differently and the purpose of this timeline is to furnish an indication as to how your child should be developing from birth through age 5.
1 Month:Lifts head a sLight when lying on stomach
Responds to sound
Stares at faces
Follows objects
Makes sounds - oohs and ahhs
Can see black-and-white patterns
Holds head at a 45-degree angle
2 Months:Vocalizes more sounds - gurgling and cooing
Holds head up briefly at a 45-degree angle
Smiles and laughs in response to others smiling at them
Movements come to be smoother
Rolls onto side
3 Months:Holds head steady
Recognizes your face and scent
Vocalizes more sounds - squealing
Able to push up with arms when lying on stomach
Turns toward loud sounds
Bears weight on legs
Able to roll over
Shows active arm and leg Movement
Able to track engaging objects with their eyes
4 Months:Able to grasp Toys
Reaches out for objects
Rolling over from front-to-back and back-to-front
Imitates speech sounds
5 Months:Able to distinguish in the middle of bold colors
Plays with hands and feet
Turns toward new sounds
Recognizes own name
May cut first tooth
Laughs out loud
Likes to play
6 Months:Turns toward sounds and voices
Blows bubbles
Changes objects from hand-to-hand and from hand-to-mouth
Sits with sLight support
Begins to eat solid foods
7 to 9 Months:Sits without keep and changes position
Reaches for objects with a sweeping motion
Imitates sounds (babbles)
Begins to make word-like sounds
Begins to lunge forward and crawl
Stands or cruises while retention onto furniture
Points at objects, bangs objects together and passes objects from hand-to-hand
Picks things up via a thumb-finger pinching-type grasp
10 to 12 Months:Responds to their name
Waves goodbye
Pull themselves up into a standing position
Crawls well, cruises and takes a few steps
Understands the thought of "no"
Can nod their head to indicate "yes"
Uses gestures to indicate what they want or need
Able to say "mama" and "dada"
1 to 1 ½ Years:Able to walk without support
Can cope some self-feeding
Drinks from a cup
Use voice inflection
Able to say 5 to 10 words
Scribbles with crayons
1 ½ to 2 Years:May begin to run
Begins to climb up and down stairs
Comprehends easy instructions
Can use a fork and a spoon
Able to throw a ball underhand
Can pretend play
Attempts to take off own clothes with assistance
Learns words at a rapid rate (approximately 10 words per day)
Can form 2- to 3-word sentences
Able to throw a ball overhand
Can kick a ball forward
Can build a short block tower
Begins to sing simple songs
2 to 2 ½ Years:Can name approximately 6 body parts on a doll
Talks about likes and dislikes
"Why?" "Why?" "Why?"
Has mastered walking up and down stairs
Shares Toys when asked
Turns pages in a book
Combines more words together to form simple sentences
Begins to draw straight lines
Washes and dries hands and brushes teeth with help
Gets dressed and undressed with help
Speaks clearly most of the time
Able to balance on one foot
2 ½ to 3 Years:Hops and skips
Can build a tall block tower
Begins toilet training
Expresses emotions
Able to name a few colors
Draws a circle
Gets dressed without help
Separates fairly literally from parents
3 Years:Begins conflict resolution
Able to dress and undress themselves
Cooperates and shares with other children
Engages in pretend play, such as being "mom" or "dad"
Demonstrates independent behavior
Tends to be toilet trained
4 Years:Wants to be like their friends and please their friends
Can distinguish fantasy from reality
May enjoy singing, dancing and acting
Able to comply more with rules
Can be demanding or eagerly cooperative
5 Years:Runs on tiptoes
Understands thought of "yesterday," "today" and "tomorrow"
Prints capital letters
Recognizes their name when printed
Uses sentence structure with exact grammar
Plays well with others
Able to put their shoes on the exact feet
To reiterate, this is an estimated timeline of developmental achievements for your child as all children design differently. The purpose of this timeline is to furnish an indication as to how your child should be developing from birth through age 5.
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